Access Rights for Handlers…
Knowing the legal understanding of an Assistance Dog
What if I’m denied access to a venue because of my dog?
It is a good idea to have the Federal Disability Discrimination act 1992 available on your phone or have a printout with you at all times, to refer to. You may also like to use a small business card with dot point information to hand to anyone who questions your access rights. Remember, it’s not the DOG that has rights, its’ YOU that has rights with your assistance dog as your disability aid.

Federal Disability Discrimination Act’92 (DDA’92) Section 9.2, pg.12_v.Feb’19
(2) For the purposes of this Act, an assistance animal is a dog or other animal:
(a) accredited under a law of a State or Territory that provides for the accreditation of animals trained to assist a persons with a disability to alleviate the effect of the disability; or
(b) accredited by an animal training organisation prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph; or
(c) trained:
(i) to assist a person with a disability to alleviate the effect of the disability; and
(ii) to meet standards of hygiene and behaviour that are appropriate for an animal in a public place.
Note: For exemptions from Part 2 for discrimination in relation to assistance animals, see section 54A.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, a disability aid, in relation to a person with a disability, is equipment (including a palliative or therapeutic device) that:
(a) is used by the person; and
(b) provides assistance to alleviate the effect of the disability.